

okay so I got my period yesterday [after it was 4 days late]. I was at work and I had to piss. so whenever I pissed like ugh I'm sorry but blood clots came out. so obviously I put a tampon in. by the time we left though like this was after lunch too.. the tampon was completely soaked. like I was bleeding through. then all day today like I literally woke up covered in blood. got a shower and everything. then it was on and off all day. I didnt wear a tampon just a pad because I knew I would bleed through. well I could feel it coming out and it was A LOT. But it was just like all blood clots. I dont know. so I put a tampon in and bled through it anyways. got home changed and got a shower. then I havent bled since I got home. I have been fine. but I just went to the bathroom and took a piss and some more blood clots came out.