8 long months of ttc and I’m feeling defeated 😢


Ok ladies I know 8 months isn’t long compared to some who have waited years or longer but it’s been a long 8 months. I haven’t really been crushed by getting my period until now. Today marked 3 days late for my period so I really thought I had a chance and I’ve been having some serious nausea for a few weeks now to the point that I’m just miserable so a few close friends really though I was pregnant. But then tonight I go to the bathroom and a light pink stained the toilet paper and I tested up a bit. This one hurt the most by far. So I’ve been off the mirena iud since December and had 2 regular periods then missed 2 and now I’m on my 5th cycle. I heard it can take up to a year to get pregnant after the iud . My doctor told me when she took it out that my uterus looked great and I shouldn’t have any problems getting pregnant but here I am 8 months later. I guess my question ...when should I start worrying that something is wrong and go in to see my dr or just to get another check up? Have any of you had the iud removed and had troubles getting pregnant? Or how long did it take for you to get pregnant after iud removal? Please help ladies