The art of Burping

M really having a hard time figuring out how to burp baby. He is exclusively breast fed. For the first 2 weeks, he didn't burp at all. I had. Csection and after feeding, I would give him to daddy to burp but he would put him on the shoulder for like 10 seconds and give him right back because the small one would cry! Am small, and had an 11 pound baby. He has never had any spit up.

They say some babies don't need to be burped and I was not sure if this included mine. At 3 weeks, was feeding him and he let out a burp on the Breast. So he could burp. He was someone feeding at a raised angle. I really try to imitate this position to get him to burp and nothing comes out.

Sometimes I put him on the shoulder and it will come out immediately but that has happened only twice. For the most part nothing. And he gets heavy!

Now at 6 weeks with him letting out his in pain, I want to master this skill of Burping. And not have it just being random chance. Today after feeding on the left, he seemed to fall asleep and I hadn't burped. I tried laying him on my chest so that I don't wake him up, but nothing. After 5 minutes I tried sitting up and holding his head to my chest so he doesn't wake up but he was up immediately. So I thought to hell, he is up anyway, so I put him on the shoulder to burp, LO decides to look at stuff and nothing... After 10 minutes am giving up and he starts grumbling and rooting so I put him on the right breast laying on my tummy and lo and behold, he burps twice! Like seriously? Then he breast feeds again. Now I want to burp him again but he is still in the position he burped in a few minutes ago, only he ain't letting it out. I feel like a failure Burping him. My midwife showed me tricks, they all don't work. The only burps I have gotten out were random! And for the most part I have just woken him up. How best do I burp and how do I do it without waking him up? Especially at night.