Loss of a twin


We lost one of our twin girls around 22 weeks.

We found out we were pregnant almost right away. We have a 13 month old (currently) and couldn’t believe we were going to be on this journey again - but were so excited.

At our first ultrasound at 8 weeks, we found out we were having twins. We were shocked. And scared. And overwhelmed.

At our 12 week appointment the doctors discovered one of our babies had abnormalities and gave us the terrible odds of life - almost non-existent. We were devastated.

After 12 weeks, we saw a genetic counselor who helped us with testing. We found out we were pregnant with two girls - one who had Turner Syndrome. The odds were still so slim but each week we went in, our girl was hanging on.

And then we went in at 21 weeks and the heartbeat was there. And then we went in at 23 weeks and found our girl’s body had finally let go.

We named our baby Willa Faye. I’ll now carry her until I give birth to her sister, Audrey.

I feel like I’m in another dimension of life - where only if I talk about it or think about it, it’s real. Otherwise it’s just a weird mishap, happening to someone else. My heart is somewhere between broken, at peace, and so torn I don’t know how to feel.

If anybody has experienced this with di-di Twins specifically, I would truly appreciate any advice or prayers.
