
Kymberly • 🌈 born 7/25/2019

Hi all, just had a few questions but I’ll start with a little background for context. So my baby is currently 6 weeks 2 days and I just started pumping last week. I got myself a hospital grade pump (Medela symphony) yesterday as I was informed that my pump wouldn’t much help my supply as it was never established in the first place. I am pumping about every 2 hours, give or take a late start here or there, and am yielding about 1oz (or a bit less) combined per pump. I am taking donperidone, eating Lactation cookies that I made, and drinking mothers milk tea. My 3 questions are this:

How long before I can expect to start to see an increase in my supply?

How much of a difference will it make if I pump 8 times versus 12? (I will likely hit about 10 today but am aiming for 12)

How do I increase my supply on my slacker boob? I get 75% of my milk from one side and 25% from my “lame duck” breast!