Do I have endometriosis?

Sorry in advance for the long post. I’m 20 years old, I have pcos, my husband & I have been trying for over two years with fertility meds on & off for the past year. My back & hips pretty much always hurt & it’s so severe but it feels dull because I’ve been hurting so long. I’m only 20 I shouldn’t feel this much pain. When we have sex even if I’m lubricated it takes me a while to dilate & open up & I rip very easily. Then I can’t have sex for a few days until I heal up & it feels like my insides are gonna fall out until I heal if that makes sense? When I first started my period around 11 years old it was heavy, irregular but way more often than it is now. I took birth control for about 4 years to help with my period but it only messed me up more. Last year I had 4 periods, 2 of which were induced & 1 was a miscarriage. Also I’m sorry if this is tmi but my bowel movements are crazy. Sometimes I’m constipated & don’t go to bathroom for a week & then I go & it’s so painful & I sweat terribly & shake & it’s diarrhea. I don’t know if I have endo or not. Any advice is welcome thank you ❤️