Please help! (Long read, sorry!)

My periods are super irregular, I probably get them every 3-4 months. My last one was June 22-July 14, and I had unprotected sex on July 24th. (Yes dumb of me I know I’m not asking to be scolded) there’s a very good chance that I got sperm in me while I was on top. The past couple days I was a little crampy and today I was spotting, I also had sex last night, it wasn’t very rough though. I’ve had a miscarriage before, a little over a year ago.

Glow has predicted I should ovulate by the end of the month-beginning of next month, but where my periods are so irregular I really have no idea.

I have not taken a test yet because I just started spotting. But I have had a lot more stress added into my life, trying to move, also trying to join the Navy.

I have been a lot more tired recently as well. And have also started heavily working out for the Navy. My diet also drastically changed to lose weight.

I am going to take a test soon, probably twice a week until I go to MEPS for the Navy.

Just curious as to whether or not there’s a chance that I am pregnant or it’s just stress related?

Thank you!