Whattttttt is goin on here ladies?!?!


Ok- clearly ovulated on the 29th of July with OPKs... period due on aug 13

I didn’t start tracking my temps til recently bc I wasn’t aware it would help, but I’ve been for the last 3 days and all of them have been within 99.1-99.5.

Anyway, every day I’ve been testing my ovulation even though I know I already ovulated, just to go along with temps.

Well... wtf is this int he first pic? Can you ovulate twice in a month? Or is it an LH surge???🤷🏼‍♀️ ok... so I tested.

I’m currently 9DPO and I know that it’s early, but just wanted to see.

Pic number two is the hcg test and it may be just me and my line eyes,.. but that may be a vvvvvvvvvvvfl!?????

Totally ok if you think I’m crazy... but why else would I get increased LH again???

Lemme know what you think! 🌈