Should I have just not said anything? She wants to fight me!

Okay a little backstory first I’m 16, and two years ago in school I lost all of my friends because I did something pretty stupid. There are these three girls let’s call them a b and c who I have been friends with my whole life.

Okay so last year girl a was my best friend, but she ending up getting a boyfriend and ditched me for girl c. I was really mad and jealous because girl a was the popular one in our group and once she stopped talking to me everyone else started to pull away from me too. I said some nasty thing that I regret so much now but because of it I lost all my friends.

Now, I was still in all the same classes as girls b and c. They are really loud girls and like to gossip, so they were always talking bad about girl a,(who was supposed to be their best friend).

A few weeks back I was posting my honest opinions about people, and someone suggested girl b,and I said that I don’t really like her anymore because she talks bad about her friends, I said it in the nicest way possible and I didn’t call her any names, she of course got mad, I told her that I was just being honest and she was calling me a hypocrite, but keep in mind when I said those things about girl a it was like 2 years prior to this and I was 14 and just starting high-school. Any-who I blocked girl b and talked to girl a about what her friends were saying about her and I also apologized again for everything I had once said about her as well.

And now we are at present time, school is about to start and now girl b and c are best friends and they both hate me, I don’t have anything against either of them, I don’t want to have beef with people for voicing facts that I seen happening first hand.

However girl c is kinda of friends with my now current best friend which I do not mind she is free to be friends with whomever she chooses but, girl c has been telling my best friend about things girl b is saying.

Girl b wants to beat the living shit outta me.

I obviously don’t wanna fight because that’s a waste of my time and energy and I don’t see why violence always has to be the first choice. Ik people make threats to fight all the time but girl b is fucking crazy, I mean I would know I used to be friends with her after all.

I don’t know what to do.

Should I have just shit up and mind my own business?

Did I do the right thing by telling girl a that she was being bad mouthed?

If I get “skull dragged” as girl b said she would do to me( sounds fun doesn’t it) I’m going go ape-shit on her, I mean I obviously don’t want to but my family always tells me I have no self control over my anger.

Ik this is your typical teenage drama but I’ve never had something like this happen before so I’m a little lost, I never get involved in drama because I mostly keep to my new friends but getting in a fight doesn’t sound like a good time.

I just realized this probably doesn’t make any sense I’m really bad at telling story’s so that might be really confusing.

So yeah.