Kiersten baby #3 due may 2024

I am 11 DPO today and here is a little back story. I haven’t had a period since April 1! I have post pill amenorrhea- I was on BC for 11 years and discontinued it in November 2018 to start trying for a baby with my husband. The journey didn’t even begin for us because I wasn’t getting periods. Only had one in December and one in April. Fast forward to this summer I finally got in to see a doctor who did blood work and scheduled me for an ultrasound and said it sounds like I have pcos. Well I kept tracking and peeing on OPKs and my erratic temperatures finally confirmed ovulation on CD120!!!! I also got the darkest opk I’ve ever gotten. I was so happy because hubby and I BDd the night before the positive and the day I got the positive which is perfect timing. My temperatures have stayed high and I am so so so hoping I actually got pregnant on my incredibly long cycle through tracking. If you are going through this I just want you to know your body can still ovulate even if it’s a crazy long cycle - it doesn’t have to be annovulatory. I follow up with my doctor next week to get my original blood results and I’m praying she’s confirming a pregnancy at that time. Baby dust to everyone!!!!