Need urgent advice feel so lost

So me and my ex have been together 7 years since I was 16 our relationship had up ands downs like every other relationships he cheated on me too gave me std to the point were my tubes are blocked we’ve recently gone through <a href="">ivf</a> and Im 11 weeks pregnant tomorrow

2 weeks ago he sat me down after walking our dogs and said our relationship isn’t the same anymore and he doesn’t want t be with me and that he wants to enjoy himself going on holidays which I told him I didn’t mind we can still be together but he was adimant to get me out the house he literally packed all my bags put them in the boot of my car and said it’s over I told him to look after the dogs once I get my own place I’ll take them I’m having to move back to my dads which we had a lot of trouble there from what he caused so since I’ve been back at my dads I’ve message him to try and talk he wouldn’t have it said no it’s done I’m literally so alone and lost I’m pregnant to so ust to being in relationships literally worship the guy don’t no how he could do this it’s been weeks now we haven’t spoke really don’t no what to do with myself so upset and lost. Evan after weeks I still feel the same when will this get better so so sad 😭 need support as my family are not supportive at all

Any advice. Xxx