I'm so lost and concerned. Please help!!


My husband and I have been ttc (unofficially) for almost a full year. Right after we got married in June we decided to start planning our baby dancing. I've ALWAYS had irregular periods, so I knew it would take a long time and possibly (most likely) medical intervention. I'm looking for a new doctor because we just moved and, stupidly didn't get any of my records. My previous doctor won't release them unless I'm there in person. 🤦‍♀️😭 I'll need more tests, I'm sure. But I don't know what sort of doctor I should go to...?

Also, has anyone gotten a "positive" opk and a negative preg test? I got what I thought was a positive opk on June 25th, preg tested 12 days later and got a negative. Waited a few days and still negative. My period hasn't shown up yet... I'm so confused and concerned. This cycle has lasted 83 days.