

Without complications - is it standard for you to get one ultra sound 1st trimester(before 12) and one 2nd (18-20)This is all people in my area get, it is what insurance covers. But a lot of people seem to get more. I’m curious how it differs across countries states and everything.

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I’m in NY, we get 1 around 8 weeks, 1 at 12 weeks, 1 at 20 weeks and then 1 at 32 weeks. I had an extra at 22 weeks because baby was stubborn and they couldn’t get all the measurements. Then my doctor said there may be another one at 36 weeks but not always the case


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In in MA- that is what my insurance covered as well. I did have one extra at the end of my pregnancy because I was overdue, but it wasn’t totally covered so I got a bill for that one.


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Fl here. Only had two with my first and second, the dating scan at 8 weeks and the anatomy scan at 16 weeks. I’ve had a few more with this one for medical reasons, but still only one more than normal. I paid to have an elective one done at 14 weeks for gender.


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That’s all my Insurance pays for ! But my doctor is very generous . And she gives me one almost every appointment. And she just doesn’t charge it to my insurance. She just puts down something else for the visit


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I’m in PA and only got one at 20 weeks and that’s it.


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I gotten 4 so far do to baby measurements and I’m having another one on the 23rd for measurements so it depends if it medically necessary, insurance, doctor and etc.


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Yes, that is normal if you are under 35 with no complications/risks.


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I'm technically high risk and I've had an ultrasound for growth every 5 to 6 weeks I think since 20 weeks. My first pregnancy was a doozy and I hardly had any ultrasounds so they are basically just being super precautious


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my insurance pays for whatever the doctor orders.


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It varies based on what your specific insurance plans cover. Some only cover 1 ultrasound per pregnancy. Others cover any ultrasound listed as medically necessary. It's a crapshoot.