God threw a trash can at my cat

The title is dumb and silly but I swear to god this happened 😂 I saw my cat looking at my trash can and kinda in a defensive pose and I thought my other badly behaved cat was digging in my trash can again so I get up like “stop! Whats wrong with y’all!” Because they really act like they’re starving all the time and sometimes try to dig food out of the trash and I thought we were over that already. That trash can flew on top of my cat and my cat went running and I’m all mad expecting hooligan kitty to be in the trash can. I look over and hooligan cat is across my house sleeping on a blanket. The cat that was over there wasn’t even touching the trash can. Just looking at it. It scared the shit out of her.

I have no idea why the trash can fell 😂 so I’ve come to the conclusion that god threw a trash can at my cat