Defective birth control and technical one night stand.

I had been talking to a guy for a month. He wasn’t exactly my type. But he was sweet, and cute and made me feel some type of way. Well we met and hooked up a week ago now. Condom broke. Now he says he needs space. 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s fine. But on another note my OB confirmed my BC is broken and defective. I’ve been spotting since last night. Totally normal I haven’t had a normal period in 2 years. I have 2 kids already though. And with my spotting even on BC i clot. This time is different. It goes away in 2 wipes. I’ve been getting sick and feeling tired and overly emotional. I know what you’re saying “take a test” but I know for a fact even if I am. It’s too early for a test to pick it up. I get my defective BC removed on Monday. And honestly I’m gonna wait and see if i get a period. But if a test comes back positive. How do I tell him? He seems to want nothing to do with me anymore. Before we hooked up he was texting me every single day. And I thought I was gonna ya know date this guy. I’m emotional and I don’t want to tell him anything until I know for sure. But I just want to know how I would tell him if I don’t get my period a test comes back positive?