Yes, you can get pregnant from that...

I've read so many posts and comments about people wondering if they can get pregnant from this or that. For example, the pullout method, oral, being on your period, etc. I wanted to post some information for those who are truly looking for some help (or who don't know).

The fact is, yes, if you and your partner both have all the necessary functioning parts, you can get pregnant if a penis goes in a vagina, no matter the circumstances. Some ways might be more rare than others, but there is literally ALWAYS a CHANCE of getting pregnant if a penis goes in a vagina. Even when you use birth control!

The only way to truly avoid pregnancy is to not have sex. BUT, there are some options that can help you avoid it if you want to have sex but not children:

-Birth control such as condoms and/or hormones, etc. Talk to your doctor about the many different options out there, as well as how to use it correctly.

-TRACK YOUR/HER OVULATION, and do NOT have sex during your/her fertile window!! Give each other head/hand jobs for a week if you can't go that long.

Birth control is the responsibility of BOTH parties. Please remember the importance of condoms though, and remember that they prevent MUCH more than unwanted pregnancy!

Have fun!