First baby.. what’s going on with my body!?


I’ve had some pretty major cramps today all left hand sided. I’m assuming it’s round ligament pain but at one point today I was crunched over my bathroom sink it hurt so bad. My hips and body have ached this whole pregnancy but this was not a dull ache like it’s been. I took Tylenol and called my doctor but by that point the pain had started to wear off and feel lots better so my doctor didn’t seem concerned (he mentioned it might be bowel related since it’s all left hand sided). Fast forward to an hour ago and the same pain came back. I repeated steps as before (Tylenol and rest). It seems to be wearing off again. Anyone else experience this? I’m trying not to freak out esp if my doctor isn’t worried but man these aches and pains are so new that it’s hard not to overthink it.