I told my daughters dad right off today

I've posted before. But super quick, I have a baby girl with health concerns and even before I found out about her heart issues, her dad didn't want me to keep her because we barely knew each other. We got pregnant before we became an official couple. I know. But despite the circumstances I chose to not have an abortion and he treated me horribly for months because of it.

Anyways. He came around when I was 8ish months and wanted to be involved. I agreed. I wasn't going to be a spiteful baby mama who keeps her kid away from her dad. If he wanted to be there great. If not, that's on him.

He doesn't see her that often. She is 6.5 months old now. Probably sees her twice a month IF THAT. And if I'm ever busy and our schedules don't like up, his new thing is to threaten to take me to court because I'm withholding her from him. Please note, she had heart issues. He knows this. I'm at hospital and specialists twice a week AT LEAST. Plus she has nurses come in two or three times a week just depending on the week. And he's never been to any doctor appointments for her. She's fed through a tube and he has no clue how to feed her, check her heart beat rate, oxygen levels (some checks I do every time she eats). So no unfortunately I cannot leave her with him or let him take her over night because he has chosen to not come to appointments to learn how to support her and such. But if he's free on a Tuesday and I'm not, he says well I guess I'll have to take you to court because I have a right to see my kid. I agree. He does. I will admit I did have to tell him no TWICE because she had hospital appointments for her. And instead of him saying he'd come with us, he threatened me with court and said I don't make time for him. We had two over night appointments back to back.But for some unknown reason the other 28 days he's too busy. I'm like really? Any other day would have been fine. But this is what he does. I keep record of everything. If it isn't screen shotted, I write it down or I have a witness listening.

So I finally told him go ahead and take me to court. Be my guest. It'll be interesting to see you putting more effort into court rather than your daughter.