Ex Best Friend

Hey guys...

I had a best friend growing up and we lived right down the road from each other as well as went to the same school. I literally have the best memories with her. As we got older, we would get in a fight she would completely ghost me. It broke my heart and I didn’t understand it as I wanted to talk it through. I would beg for her to talk to me and every time it would take months to rekindle our friendship from it. I loved her and respected her and it was really hard for me to just let it go.

Years go on and we would have a few of these fights but nothing major. As we got older we were in different places in her life and for some reason she had a really hard time with that and projected it to be my fault when it wasn’t anyone’s fault, we just had different end goals. She got in a really bad place and did something to my family that loved her as a daughter that I would have never even have thought to do in a million years. Understanding she was in a bad place I tried to work through it. From that point our friendship just went down hill. She felt like she could point out everything that was wrong with me and I just started getting nasty back because I was tired of it. I know there was a deeper meaning but she couldn’t communicate that to me for some reason. We got in a huge blow out fight a year and a half ago and never made up. I wanted to try to work through it as I was getting married and extended an invitation and she bluntly said no and I left it at that. Although we both have done our wrongs I still think about her a lot and would like to reach out but based on history I know I’ll just get ghosted. But honestly I’d just like to ask how she is and general talk but I’m afraid it’s not worth my time. I guess it never hurts to show you care but she always sees it as something else.

Thanks for making it to the end lol.