what is this? TMI UPDATE 8/20

So i had been getting faint tests my first one was last Saturday and after that I took a few more all faint positives. I took a blood test on Wednesday still havent gotten my results back. My doctor looked at the pee tests I took at home and the one i took in her office and she believed I am pregnant so she told me to get off my birth control pills entirely that day and to start taking prenatals. So i did stop my birth control pills and started my prenatals. I woke up this morning I felt a little weird and off so I went to go pee as i wiped I saw this its light im not having any clots or anything. Idk whats happening and I cant go to my regular doctors since they are closed on weekends. What do yall think?


I tried to call my OB office and got in touch with the on call after hours person and they suspect i might be having a miscarriage but since im not cramping as much or anything I dont have to come in right away. That it may just be light and i could be fine if i take another at home test see if its still showing up positive. I’m not sure what else to do I’ve called other places they couldnt help. My regular doctors are not in the office until Monday so even then I would have to wait and ER wouldn’t give me advice otp.

Update 8/20

So my Doctor emailed me back and called me back the blood tests results were negative. I had all the symptoms going on I dont know it could of been a chemical pregnancy as I spoke with my obgyn. I now have no bleeding but it only lasted a few days it was light and it could of been withdrawal from getting off the pill. So I have to wait until I get my period again I’m supposed to be ovulating now and medium risk 9% something like that but August 23rd is marked on glow. We definitely werent trying but it did open my eyes a lot more with our situation. I’ll keep an update going here.