Healthy Balance

Okay here is a short backstory. The last relationship I was in started off okay, we spent time together a couple times a week and talked pretty regularly. After a couple of months that fizzled out and we barely saw eachother, maybe once every two weeks... and maybe talked once a week or so. (Don't ask me why I stayed, I don't know.) It got to a point where we didn't see eachother but once a month. That's when I ended it. I needed more than that and I couldn't be "understanding" of it anymore.

So now I'm in a much different relationship where we have conversations daily and we see eachother multiple times a week. But I'm having trouble recognizing what is a "healthy" amount of time with my boyfriend. I know it's important to have time for yourself and time for your other friends and family etc. And I would like to make sure we maintain our individuality. How do you know what's a healthy balance?