Will moving baby to own room help?


Basically since birth my lo has been consistently waking up every 2 hours at night to breastfeed. The last month and a half she’s been waking up every hour to two hours. 95% of the time she wakes up crying.. very loudly. I always try to give her the pacifier first, if that doesn’t work I feed her and she always goes right back to sleep but wakes up again in about an hour or so. I’m noticing that half the time she’s not even really eating it’s more of a comfort suck.

I’m beyond exhausted, my husband is no help and when he does help she cries harder. I feel like I’m on the verge of a nervous breakdown!

Right now we have her in a pack and play in our room. She does take naps during the day in the crib I her own room but those usually only last 30-60 min. I’m thinking of moving her to her own room bc maybe if I don’t jump up so quick to soothe her she’s start putting herself back to sleep... I feel like it’s mostly wishful thinking and I’m just going to be more exhausted having to go down the hall to tend to her.

What do you guys think? Any similar experiences? Tips? HELP!

Also my milk supply is great, she is gaining/growing great, she doesn’t have teeth yet, we haven’t started solids and she’s an otherwise happy baby during the day.