Am I okay ...


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Had unprotected sex Sunday , period is in 8 days .... he did not ejaculate , I’m just worried about pre cum pregnancy . I PRAY TO GOD IM NOT PREGNANT. I’ve been having so much paranoia , and being stressed crying a lot because of it. I’m not having sex anymore. The Symptoms I have right now ... are gassy and bloated stomach (noises sounds), fatigue , mood swings , sore breasts, lots of white discharge, hot a little. Please help, I really don’t want a baby (no rude comments). That was the exact date of my ovulation, I didn’t get what I usually get around ovulation until the next day or so .

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Posted at
If you don’t want a baby then use protection. You had sex on the highest chance of ovulation. So we have no idea if you’ll be ok. I know several women who have gotten pregnant from pre cum and there are some on here too.


Posted at
If you are having unprotected sex you can get pregnant, it's not that complicated. Pre cum can also get you pregnant. If you don't want to en pregnant you should've used protection, birth control or a plan b.


Posted at
I HIGHLY doubt your pregnantGet on birth controlAnd stop stressing


Posted at
Use protection next time, however dont forget ovulation and period symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are VERY similar. If that comforts you at all.. I knew i was pregnant because i was nauseous and had cramping for like 2 days that went away before my period. Mood swings, sore boobs, fatigue all normal for period and ovulation. Be careful tho because this app isnt always correct and you couldve ovulated later than the date shown so there's a possibly... If you're not trying to get pregnant, use protection. If not condoms, then birth control ( preferably condoms, personally i dont like birth control but to each their own. I tried using the nuva ring which wasnt terrible you dont have to worry about remembering a pill )


Posted at
No offense but why have unprotected sex if you don’t want a baby?? Anyways the only way to know for sure is to take a test we can’t tell you yes you are or no you aren’t