Hardest part of it


Sure it’s stings when af shows. Officially 12 months of not pregnant this month while people we know keep announcing. I do my part. Cry, sometimes scream why. But when I have to tell my husband it’s a no- that kills me even more. The hurt and pain in his eyes hurts me all over again. I’m tired of doing this. When will it be our turn? I never thought I would be the one to struggle to get pregnant. My mom 3 months, my sister pregnant right away(surprise her first one) and 2nd baby 3 months. So why 12 months for me? My heartbreaks each month and every month I hope this is it. I’ve tried all the things. I keep saying I’ll go to the dr but it’s so hard to realize I need help to do something that is supposed to come naturally.

Ladies encouragement, stories good and bad, wanna vent? Drop it down below let’s support each other