Godmother struggles...

I don’t really know where to post this, but I felt like this page fit? My best friend got pregnant at sixteen. I was seventeen turning eighteen. She told me she didn’t want him and made me god mother. (She said to make the adoption process easier. Like she knew anything about it) anyway. When he was born, she refused to touch him. I cared for him for the first week while we were in the hospital. She kept telling me I needed to name him and talk to the staff about getting my name on the birth certificate instead of her husband. I refuse to do that because I know that’s not how adoption works and I wasn’t about to take a child from their father (who wanted him) I was fine with being the god mother. After that she discharged herself and cut me off from their lives. Not even a year later she comes crying to me saying she’s pregnant again. She can’t take it. Can’t afford another one. Ect. Same stuff. I told her I wasn’t going to play games again. If she wanted me to adopt this one, we needed to start the process now. She cut me off again. She got hooked on heroine to “try and kill it” since she couldn’t afford an abortion. She tried everything she could to try and kill her baby. This year she calls me telling me she’s getting a divorce. And she wants me to take her kids. She’s still hooked on drugs and she’s pregnant with another mans baby. I’ve finally ignored her and started talking with her now ex husband. Hearing how mistreated they were by her kills me. Violet (7months) didn’t even have a crib. She had to sleep in the swing. Eat in the swing. (Feed herself) he was always working because she refused to get a job. When he did come home and want to hold his kids, she’d start hitting him. Throwing things at the kids. Cutting her wrists. Everything she could to try and prevent him from touching them. She found out I am helping him and caring for the kids. Now she is fighting for custody, but only so she could give them to her parents. The judge is leaning toward her because she is female (I live in Utah) it’s really frustrating me. She’s no where near fit. She’s living between four homes and high af at all times. She’s turning 20 this month and is constantly drinking and getting high with the man she cheated on her husband with. I want to help her all I can, but I want to be there for her kids as a good god mother would. She is doing her cycle all over again by wanting me to adopt this child she’s pregnant with now. I don’t think I could even if she let me. Her ex has admitted seeing be the mother to his kids they never had, has mad him attracted to me. I don’t know how to go about that. I just got out of an engagement and lost a child myself. I’m trying everything I can to provide for these kids and not lead him on. But that’s not working very well. I’m very mentally overwhelmed and I’m not sure what to do. I know this isn’t probably a situation that you’ll be able to give me much advice on... but anything will help..