Lexy👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 +🤰

Guys I'm SO IMPATIENT it's crazy ! So I'm 13 DPO, I'm expecting my period tomorrow. This morning I had pretty heavy pelvic pressure/cramping the kind when you know your period is coming asap with a vengeance. When I went to the washroom after and wiped, I saw a spot of light pinkish blood so I'm like SHIT my period is coming (frustrated because we are TTC for a 2nd baby). I'm wearing a pad and its been bone dry all day. Is it possible in any realm to get a spot of blood like that and not get my period until the next day? That's never happened ever in my periods I dont think. Also is it possible to have implantation this late? My implantation the first pregnancy was around 7 DPO.. so wondering if this is impossible or it's happened this late for anyone else? !!!

Also not sure how related or unrelated this is but I've had bad gas yesterday and today accompanied with diarrhea.. fun times !