Hot and moody


So I'm 33 weeks tomorrow and I can't wait for this pregnancy to be over. I have low iron so I'm tired all the time. My room is upstairs and the heat is so bad. I wake up 4 times a night to pee and have about 25 steps to climb down to get to the bathroom so I'm awake by the time I get back to bed. By 10am it's about 80 degrees in my room. I have no safe space to just relax during the day and today is especially worse because my man's niece and nephew are over. I hate being so moody because they're just kids but the girl is 10 and I swear she acts like a five year old. I just want to curl up in my room and cry but the guys are playing video games and she keeps jumping up and down the stairs screaming no matter how many times we tell her to stop.

P.s. Sorry for ranting but I just feel so alone and stressed out all the time. Desperately need a calm place to relax.