What should I do?


Im almost 20 and i have no job, license and don't know how to drive. I also have social anxiety and depression and take sertraline and buspirone. If i call my mom out for being neglectful towards my brothers (ages 13 almost 14 and 17 almost 18) by not making dinner or buying any food she spanks me. One time i said something to her that she didn't like and she busted in my room and kept punching me and trying to take my phone so i couldn't call for help. She pulled out a knife and threatened to kill me, while all of this going on im crying and she tells me that she hates me, wishes i was never born, said she should've aborted me, i was an accident, that im stupid, that im a whore and a slut (ive been with only one guy who is my current boyfriend and have given him my virginity), she said she was gonna tell everyone im close friends with the "truth about what a terrible person i am". When i get depressed sometimes she asks if i want her to drive off a bridge and drown us both. Plus i have to stay at my boyfriend's house with his parents half the week every week because of parents fighting. Since mom is my only transportation and takes me over there she holds it against me in every fight we have. I don't know how much i can take anymore. And my dad is just as bad, he has squeezed my fist until I cried, punched me in the arm, dragged me across my bed by my arm, told me that nothing i ever say or do will ever be enough. I need advice. Just please someone tell me what i should do.