Do you think that everyone happens for a reason or does god/life give us opportunities and it is up to us how everything plays out?


I am sorry I wrote this under a wrong topic.

My boyfriend of 3 months lived with me, everything just happened so quickly and he is a really nice guy.

On Wednesday I was pmsing and a lot has been going on in my life that the stress got the better of me. I snapped at him and he said there was something wrong with my head that I was mental and I kicked him out of the house.

I felt horrible. My heart broke in a million peace’s, where I question everything about my self, why am I so stubborn and bossy and have high expectations of people and not let them be them.

He wouldn’t answer my calls and eventually after 3 days he sends me a nice message that it’s over. I understand and respect his decision . I want him to find happiness. I am completely heart broken and I am questioning whether this was meant to happen as god has other plans for me or did god give me him and I just messed it up due to my behaviour.

I am not a bad person , I think I at least deserved a call or a face to face conversation but I do know what I did was unforgivable.