Left over HCG or am I pregnant?

😇 Nicole • Pregnant with #1 🌈 🌈 🌈

I lost my baby at 8w2days on July 18th. Hubby and I had unprotected sex two weeks later when bleeding stopped (we were meant to be safe and wait a cycle, but accidentally BDd) and I swear I was ovulating that night.

Been freaking out since cause I have still been waiting for my tests to go negative (still had a faint line).

Well my faint line pretty much disappeared on Friday. And today on Sunday I did another test and looks like line slightly darker 🤭 I would be approx 7dpo.

Two questions:

Can left over HcG fluctuate and give faint positive results on and off?


Does this mean I’m pregnant before AF has even arrived?

I know I’ll need to wait and keep testing to see if it gets darker.. just wanted extra pair of eyes...

Top: Friday (negative after MC)

Bottom test: Sunday (approx 7dpo)

Top test: Monday day after BD/OV (faint positive from left over HcG)

Second test: Wednesday (HcG obviiiisly going down)

Third test: Friday (looks like a negative to me and that left over HcG has gone)

Bottom test: today Sunday (test looks like line is back. I would be approx 7dpo)