Bleeding during intercourse


So, my SO and I, can go a long time between having sex, because we live at a distance. We don’t have rough sex, but he is bigger than my previous partner. My ex and I, went many years without having sex. I’ve been to my doctor and they said a little bleeding can be normal and they don’t see anything wrong with me. But...I don’t get to see my SO often and when we do it’s wonderful until this happens during sex and then I start to cry, because it happens every time. I can’t imagine how he feels seeing this every time we’re together. He’s so sweet about it. He even tries to help me clean up which is kinda romantic/totally humiliating at the same time. I just think he feels bad and Then here I am feeling helpless. Does anyone else go through this? Sex is not painful. The sex is amazing except for the Carrie aftermath 😖🤣 joking it’s not that bad, but it is embarrassing and extremely frustrating.