Anyones 7 month old still not sitting?



So max is almost 7 months still not sitting and absautly hates to be on his tummy should I be worried or is he just a bit late? Oh and hes a little cute picture this is what happens when mummy is a photographer 😜

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My son can sit supported, but still topples over some. He can roll both ways, but usually once on his tummy, he just cries. Not even close to crawling yet. All babies are different!


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My girl can sit great, but can't roll from belly to back and doesn't grab things very well. All babies learn and grow at their own pace.


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My little girl would rather be on her tummy! She can’t really sit up on her own very well yet at all, and she is 7 months and 6 days. I don’t think you need to be worried yet, but check with your baby’s pediatrician if you want sound advice :)


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My little guy went from not being able to sit up more than a few seconds to completely sitting on his own within the last couple of days. He was 7 months yesterday


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My son sits up fine but still hates being on his tummy at 7 months old. My pediatrician said not to be worried, babies will do things at their own pace. I also try to get him on his tummy in different ways so that he is building some of those muscles. He likes when I lay him on me and play peek a boo. I try to focus on doing it more frequently during the day for shorter amounts of time since he’s not a huge fan.


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My daughter is not sitting yet. Not for more than 10 seconds anyway!


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My daughter can sit but can only lift her head while on her tummy for 5-10 seconds.... doctor said she just prefers sitting, and tummy time will come. I wouldn’t worry