Somewhere in between July 19th - July 24th was my fertile window. I had ovulation spotting throughout that week, the first pic is what it looked like. 6 days after my ovulation, i got a light pink bleeding and figured it was implantation, 2nd picture. My period was due for August 7th but didn’t come that day. Took a dollar tree pregnancy test and it was negative. On the 8th, i wiped and there was light pink bleeding again (egg white consistency), i figured it was my period but then i saw no more bleeding for the rest of the day. The 9th & 10th were both the same, i wiped that morning saw light pink bleeding and nothing for the rest of the day. This morning, Aug 11th, i wiped and i see brown.. last picture. What could this be? Its not enough for a pad and its not even consistent like a normal period.

Ovulation bleeding

What i believed to be implantation

Period was due on the 7th, spotted like pink bleeding on 8th, 9th, 10th & this today.