I feel robbed.


I am currently 5 weeks 1 day pregnant with what is hopefully going to be my rainbow baby. I had a miscarriage back in May which we know was caused by fibroids. I was actually already scheduled for their removal when we found out I was pregnant. I had the removal and a D&C on June 7th and we did a medicated Intercourse cycle and I ended up with my BFP On August 1st. I have a 10 year old son from a previous relationship and I absolutely loved every second of being pregnant with him. I feel like my miscarriage took that from me this time around. I Have had my bloodwork done and everything looks great my numbers are doubling but I can’t relax or enjoy any part of this pregnancy because I am so scared of losing it. I’m happy to be here because after 13 months of trying we were beginning to think that we were going to have to go <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and now we know that we can get pregnant naturally but I am really mad at the world that I can’t enjoy this. I’m hoping that once we get to see a heartbeat on an ultrasound I can relax a little and begin to feel attached to this baby.