Husbands best friend made a move on me..



I need some honest advice right now. So a few nights ago we had a party at our house, my husband and his bestfriend (well call him Adam) fell asleep in the living room so I sobered up & took everyone else home. When I got back Adam was awake. I went straight into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth to get ready for bed. After that my dog needed to go out to potty; I let her out and she ran off like an idiot. It was totally black out and I didn’t want to go alone so I tried to wake my husband up but he was dead asleep; so I asked Adam to come find her with me. We didn’t talk the entire time I was looking for my dog but when we got back he told me to have a cigarette with him so I did. We talked for a while outside about our kids and some other things(just very normal parent talk) when I came back inside I wanted to clean up my kitchen a little before going to bed. He decided to stay in the kitchen with me to talk. I got the coffee ready for morning but decided to go ahead and make it cause it sounded good. We were just casually talking when he got right in front of me to ask “is this too close” I quickly said “yes” and pushed him away. He felt very bad, apologized and told me he’d leave after he drank his coffee. We just ignored what happened and kept talking about what we were talking about before that happened. He left after like he said. It was awkward or that second but was over it after. The next day I debated on telling my husband since it was so minor and I shut it down instantly. Sometime in the day he says “Adam felt sometime last night huh I didn’t see him this morning did you?” I went on to tell him that he left sometime last night after helping me with the dog. Then he continued to ask questions about times and such so I just told him everything. He was very mad and decided to cut him off. Like he was done with him after this. I felt so bad cause (stupidly) they have tattoos of each other’s nick names on them. So I tried to tell him that it was literally nothing and I doubt he would ever do anything like that again because I shut it down. He didn’t care. I felt bad for telling my husband even though it is my husband so I messaged Adam telling him I was sorry about their friendship and that it really wasn’t that big of a deal. He continued to tell me he didn’t remember it at all; just as he told my husband. My husband got mad at me for messaging him. I was just trying to help. I didn’t want their friendship to end even if I wasn’t involved anymore. I mean we were friends too& just talking that night before he made a move. I was willing to look past it but my husband isn’t.. Am I in the wrong? For wanting to make peace with the situation and move on. We were all friends and it sucks that it even happened but he was drunk and I did put myself in that situation like an idiot. I dont know I need some advice ladies.

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Posted at
Yea, he totally violated the friendship even if he was drunk and doesnt remember it... there’s no way of knowing if it was a drunken mistake or if he does have feelings so it’s not worth risking your marriage for that friendship. Your marriage should come first and do whatever is necessary to protect it so I feel you should be in agreement with your husband to cut him off. Respect his wishes and your marriage. I wouldn’t want someone like that around me anymore if that happened... it’s just wrong.


Posted at
Yes it was the right thing to do to tell your husband. I personally would have told him from the start. I also would not have messaged his friend even after he cut him off. So I side with your husband on why he is upset that you did that. It didn’t help the situation and it opened a line of communication between you and his ex best friend. You can be sad that it happened but people need to be responsible for their actions even if they are drunk. And unfortunately he crossed a line.


Posted at
You did the right thing and I don't think you put yourself in a bad situation. He was a friend of both of yours and you weren't being flirty so it was totally his fault. You also can't use being drunk as an excuse like that makes it okay.


Posted at
Being now your husband don’t appreciate you your looks and abusive you should’ve went for Adam 😂😂 how he get mad over someone seeing in his wife what he doesn’t see or value 🤷🏾‍♀️ hope you’re still doing well and still have you and ya daughter away from him!!!


Posted at
Thank you ladies! You’re so right!!