Baby blues at 4.5 months PP?!


So I never experienced any of the so called “baby blues” after having my baby girl. I have had a relatively easy time even with breastfeeding with a tongue tie and sleepless nights. But all of a sudden I have this anxiety and sadness!!

I am still breastfeeding my baby girl at 4.5 months and all I keep thinking about is the day I give her the last breast feed. I have no intention of stopping yet but it’s going to have to happen at some point and it’s all I am thinking about!

I just cannot imagine how I’ll feel when I give her that last feed and it’s breaking my heart.

It’s funny because when I was pregnant my goal was to just try and BF. Then it became 3 months. Then 6 months. Now I feel like I’ll never stop 😂

Hormone working over time I think!