Advice please!! How to tell my family?


So for a little back story, I dated a guy 2 years ago and my family hated him once they found out and my mom said I break up with him or leave and never see my family again, I chose my family and because I was barely 18 and had only been seeing this guy for 6 months. My mom banned me from my phone, music and friends and for nearly a year insisted that I talk to my friends only in front of her, and she monitored all my messages and social media. My mom seemed to see me dating this guy as a personal betrayal to her and my family and to this day comments about it negatively.

Fast forward 2 years, I am 19, turning 20 in a few weeks and I started seeing a guy back in May and I really like him. The only thing is I haven’t told my mom or older brother i know they won’t like him because he isn’t rich, ripped and super mature. I am worried they will freak out like my mom did last time and I won’t be allowed to see him or they will at least criticize and make it difficult and try to get us to break up. I want the relationship to be public and so that we can go on proper dates or kiss each other goodbye or eat dinner at each other’s houses without it being a huge scene.

I feel like my mom has this vision of just her and us kids being a family and living together forever but I want to branch out.

How do I tell my family???? Please help!