cant trust my bf!!!!

So my bf went to the club 2 days ago and this girl that he’s been chatting up “as friends” (as he says) was there as well! I’ve confronted him about this bitch and he says they’re only friends and nothing more.. so he stopped talking to her to calm my mind.

Anyways at the club, He starts snap chatting videos of him and his friends and that girl was there too, taking shots and doing cheers to drinks. There was a video of him telling her to take more shots and I’m worried that he’s lost interest in me and that he’s interested in her :(

My bf isn’t heavy on clubs, & neither am I, but he went as it was his friends birthday.

The whole night he wouldn’t return my texts or calls and I was worried if he cheated on me with that ugly rat.

I’ve decided to end things because I cannot trust him and I definitely do not trust a hoes actions.

What would you guys do in this situation?????