Salt testing??


Okay guys. I have seen where people have tested with cabbage water, baking soda and other strange items to mix with your urine to find out if you are pregnant. But the new one I have seen is salt. But I have questions- yes I know only a pregnancy test or doctor can 100% confirm- but my curiosity has me in a bind. How much salt do you use? Has this worked for anyone? And I have read that if the salt dissolves and forms a curdled milkyish substance forms it could be positive but I have also read if it does nothing its positive so which one is more likely? Also would someone who is already pregnant be willing to try this with me? My inner scientist really wants to know, and also I'm due for my period in a few days and dont wanna go buy a test if its just gonna be negative when I can do it at home for free. So either way, its sort of helping? Lmao.