Period again after birth control??

Epic • Just taking it day by day.

I had my period start on August 3rd. I applied my first birth control patch that day as well. My period ended on Wednesday the 7th of August.

I ended up taking off the patch on Friday august 9th due to not liking my body’s reaction to it. Last night on August 11th we had sex and my period started again. By this morning at 3 o’clock I was bleeding extremely heavy for my normal. Normally I can go like 6-8 hours with 1 tampons worth of blood. I normally change every 4 hours but they aren’t full. From 3:10am to 5:30am I filled a tampon and a Kotex regular pad while asleep. I’m in a lot of pain in my belly as well for a person who doesn’t normally have cramps. I’m just wondering if it is normal to react like this when coming off of the patch. The last time I came off of birth control it took me months to have my withdrawal bleed and it was pretty normal once it did come.