Newborn Gas?

Jessica • Wife 💍• Girl Mom x2 💕

My girl is 4 weeks old, and has more gas in her than a grown man! I thought she had reflux, then colic crossed my mind..but I’m not sure if it’s either. She’s generally happy during the day (sleeping, mainly) but at night she gets fussy and has gas coming out both ends. Not every night, some are worse than others and we are normally able to calm her down with gas drops or gripe water. But she wakes up in the morning farting up A STORM! I refuse to believe that she is colicky. She’s exclusively breastfed, I’ve eliminated dairy and am very cautious with what I eat. I do give her a probiotic. I think she’s just an extremely gassy baby. Does anyone else have a newborn that could out fart/burp an adult? 😂