Abusive mother family thinks I should deal with it.

My mother has no respect for me as an adult or as a person. And it's clear to me her primary objective is money. Growing up she would make me feel bad for needing basic neccesities. She's extremely manipulative and verbally abusive towards me. This led to my decision to immediately move out turning eighteen. After three months of living with my now husband due to a bad roommate situation we had to move back in a month after my pregnancy announcement. It's my uncle's house but I had a conversation with her where I said I would rather be homeless if she didn't change how she treated me. She agreed to treat me better and I reluctantly agreed to move back home. I talked with my uncle and asked if we needed to provide rent or utilities food ECT and he told me it was cool and just to get back on our feet. Immediately my mother went back to treating me like human garbage luring me alone to tell me things like "I am a slut and everyone would see me as a slut and that's just how it's going to be" she has made me cry every day over her treatment of me and my brother participates in the bullying calling me fat and ugly. I opened up to my grandma and she told me to basically deal with it and not cut her off because she's sure to treat me better after I have the baby. She puts on a customer service type front to my uncle and he's never home so he will never believe a word I say and gets angry when I defend myself. My husband won't be finished with school until the baby is three months old and has been unemployed the past month. I have no idea how to being salvaging my relationship with my family and am extremely uncomfortable knowing I will have to have my baby around them. Any advice is appreciated.