CF testing

Ashleyy • Baby Boy 💙 March 2019

My husband and I are both carriers for the same rare mutation of CF. It’s very rare for both parents to be carriers for this same strand of CF. No one in the history of the hospital here has ever had 2 parents be carriers for it. Our son was tested like most for his newborn screening and tested negative. Thank god. He had 25% chance of having Cf. We did not do any testing while i was pregnant, i wasn’t comfortable having an amniocentesis done. Baby boy is 5months this week and we went to have the blood test redone today just to be safe. If it comes back negative again we don’t have to worry until he’s older to see if he’s a carrier. If it comes back barely negative we have to do a lot more testing.

Baby boy did so good. He had to be pricked 2x and it took about 10/15min to collect all the blood. He was flirting with all the ladies.

Here’s to hoping it’s still negative!