1dpo and super anxious!

Jacky • 27 year old, soon to be mother of a rainbow baby, little boy. So incredibly blessed and thankful for everything life has given to me. Also a crafty individual, love to paint and create anything I can!

I can’t stop looking at everyone’s posts and dreaming about what it’s going to be like when and if we get a positive test in two weeks!

We are getting married on the 7th of September and just couldn’t wait to be making babies. We are so excited to be a family.

This wait is going to drive me insane though. I bought a pack of 50 tests from amazon for like 10 bucks and I am going to happily test every day ;) I know I won’t find out for another couple weeks but it makes me feel better.

Baby dust to everyone trying, I hope this month is our month and we can get married knowing there is a little one brewing inside.

Tell me your stories!