TIps to get my body ready post-molar pregnancy

Jess • 🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 28 years old. Wife. Momma. 👼🏼 2/28/19 👼 3/28/20 👧5/17/21 👧10/23/23

Currently on the pill as recommended by the OBGYN after my complete molar pregnancy in February. Doctor said assuming all

My blood tests come back normal, we should be able to TTC mid October however I have to stay on the pill until then. This is to reduce the risk of not only pregnancy (otherwise we’d just be using condoms), but also choriocarcinoma. Trying to find out if there’s anything I can do leading up to October to help prepare my body to conceive again. Women in my family have a long history of getting pregnant quickly and my husband and I were able to get pregnant the first full month of trying.