Just saying...

I don’t want to spark a debate here, but lately I’ve been seeking out information on vaccines to make a very informed decision before deciding to let my son have them or not. I’m not anti-vax, I’m not pro-vax either, just a first time mom trying to make sure I am 100% comfortable with the risks, with as much knowledge on the subject as possible, before giving the green light.

I see a massive amount of posts on here where people are so disgustingly horrible to each other over the subject of vaccines. When I first started researching the side effects and risks I made a post asking for information sources, stating I was unsure if I was going to get my son vaccinated or not and asking about delaying schedules etc, and within a few hours there were over a hundred comments, with at least 20 of them saying “you don’t deserve to have children” or “have fun explaining to your family why your son died of a preventable disease” and “wow why not just get an abortion and save the hassle, kids as good as dead anyways with a fucktard mom like you” and the like. I stopped reading and deleted the post after a while.

Yet, I see every week a tonne of posts where people are saying their child had their X vaccine today and is now acting like this or that or experiencing this or that side effect and asking if this is normal.

Why are people pumping these concoctions of chemicals into their tiny babies without knowing the basic side effects? And if they are aware that what their child is experiencing IS a normal side effect, why are they getting so panicked if they were so sure the vaccine was safe?

At the end of the day, we’re all just trying to do what’s best for our little ones, trying our hardest to keep them safe and healthy and perfect. People get so worked up because they are passionate about their kids wellbeing, I know that. I’m guilty of it too, but I try not to judge or act like a dick. It’s just so sad, the whole thing.

I guess I just wish there could be an open dialogue about this type of thing without the backlash. Without people being told they don’t deserve to be a parent, just because they want to do what’s right.

Be kind, people ❤️