Am I wrong to spend time with my family

So my parents and family live over a hour away. Me and my husband run a business and we work all the time. I never get to see my family and they are always calling asking when I’m going to come over and spend a few days back home. I actually just did but I only spent one night there because I had to get back home to help my husband with work the time away put a lot of stress on my husband doing everything by himself. (I haven’t seen them for about 7months prior to this).

I am actually very close to my family and I would like to spend more time with them like maybe spend 3 days with them every month (spending the night there for 3 days). I have 3 younger siblings 2 of them are still in high school. Going back home and spending time with my parents and siblings is actually the best most fun I have. Honestly whenever I do get a chance to go there I don’t really want to leave.

I love my husband and we don’t have problems in our marriage (been together 11 years and We am 28 years old) we just work a lot but we are also blessed to make good money. My husband hates when I leave but he understands. He hates it because he is lonely and misses me and because he is left to handle the business all by himself. Unfortunately my husbands family is nothing like mine they are very selfish, abusive, toxic people and he cut off contact with most of them years ago, so he really doesn’t know what it’s like to have a loving family that you actually enjoy spending time with. Is it wrong for me to leave 3 days every month so I can spend time with my family?