MDO question


So we have a Mothers Day Out program where its like a mini version if daycare where you can leave you child for 4-5hours a day for them to have socialization with others their age. Its done at different churches throughout the area Monday thru Thursday. It starts in sept and ends in may.

Is it better developmentally to leave them Mon & Wed in one church and Tues & Thurs in another church. Or to do the full 4 days at one church only. I figure 2 different churches mean 2 different sets of friends and personalities my toddler can play and grow with. Hes a bit shy so i think this will help break him out of his shell.

Also the Mon & Wed church is like a 20 second drive from my house whereas the full 4day church is a 15 min drive. Ill have my newborn nxt month and have to think about what may be easier. Either way, ive checked them out and have done a tour. No weird and bad feelings from them and have had recommendations from others whose kids do the program

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