Did I ovulate between the two last tests?


So the two last Opk’ s were from 6pm last night and 12am this morning. It is now 9pm and my test is faint again like the ones on top... could I have had my peak between the tests? My bbt is in the comments!

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Either yes, or your egg is literally about to pop out. The lines are supppper close together, take another one tomorrow and if it’s faded even more than yes.


Ni • Aug 13, 2019


Ni • Aug 13, 2019
I’d still have sex for the next couple days to be double sage.


Mickaella • Aug 13, 2019
I really hope I at least ovulated... I have pcos and am on Femara to make me ovulate!


Posted at
For those wondering, I actually did ovulate as I am now 4 weeks pregnant! 🎉🎉


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No. In order to get a positive ovulation test that has to be as dark as the control line or darker. Most people don't understand how to read them properly


Mickaella • Aug 13, 2019
Thank you so much! 🤩


Molly • Aug 13, 2019
Ohhh lol. Does look like your body is working on it. Could be a second still. However it's hard to say when you're on things like that. They play much different role. Baby dust!


Mickaella • Aug 13, 2019
Yes i know that, thats why i’m asking if its possible it would of been darker during the night lets say! I’m on femara to make me ovulate so thats why i’m asking 🙂


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