I need help


The end of June I had my second miscarriage. 2 weeks after that I had my hgc levels check and they had doubled since my miscarriage. In the 700. Had them checked again and again. Still around the 700. July 31 I had a D and C. The dr said that should get whatever was left and should get my levels down. I go in tomorrow for blood work to check again. He told me that if they don't go down he'll put me on chemo therapy medication. (I do not have cancer. I've had lab work, ultrasound scans and the scraping of my uterus tested). Not only am I worried about my levels but I'm still bleeding from the D and C. Its only been heavier and heavier. I called him tonight to see if I needed to go to the er. He said not unless I'm filling a pad an hour. And that I could bleed for up to 3 months. Am I crazy but doesn't chemo therapy meds and bleeding for 3 months seem a little crazy???? I see him thursdays for my 2 week post check up and to review my levels but I'm almost to the point where I want to see a different dr.